
Is four a set?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

So Much to Say (so little time)

I'm not a huge Dave Matthews fan (even having lived in Charlottesville) but his lyrics have been ringing in my head recently, "I find sometimes its easy to be myself, Sometimes I find its better to be somebody else".  I definitely have both choices here where we are making a life for ourselves.  I must admit, I am finding it easier to be myself than I have in years.

Mamaw left almost two weeks ago now.  It was hard but we made lots of plans and have been busily ignoring the fact that we miss her!  We have been working on staying on a tight schedule, inviting friends new and old into our home and indoctrinating ourselves into the institution of family life in New Zealand.

First, I want to finish our vacation.  We loved Wellington.  I would highly suggest a visit if you ever get the chance.  We didn't have much time there but we stayed in a posh hotel downtown and visited the Te Papa museum.  It was glorious!  Windy Welly proved to feel a bit sophisticated and showed us a great time.

Next we went to the Muriwai Gannet Colony.  It was a really lovely idea that JJ had.  The family went for a walk on the beach and then the AJs played on the playground.  JJ treked to the look-out point and then traded so Mamaw and I could go up alone.  I think it was literally the ONLY time alone I have had with my her in a good long while -- probably four years!  I realized it and I loved it.  The view was beautiful too!

Surf school is in!  I will be attending one this summer and I cannot wait!
We took the boys to see Blue Mountain Mystery at the cinema.  We were the only ones in the entire theatre and the boys were all entranced!  We followed it up with a trip to the MOTAT (Muesum of Transport and Technology).  We let them have cakes and juice at the cafe, climb onto a diesel engine, watch an automated train go through the same area of the central plains that we had just visited, and ride on a tram to the aviation museum and back again.  My children were in seventh heaven for sure.

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