
Is four a set?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Gender Predictor - Take a Guess!

Hello all!  It's been a long couple of weeks here.  A very nice man I went to high school with past away.  He wasn't someone that I had ever been close to but quite oddly, I had more interaction with him since moving overseas than most from my hometown.  He was a traveler by trade himself so he took an interest in the things we get to see and do.  This is the third friend I've lost since we moved here.  In addition, two friends lost parents over the weekend, one old, one new, after long battles with illness.   It's all reminding me to count my blessings constantly.  The thing is, holy moly, have I been blessed!  Take a second if you haven't recently and think about all you have!

I have lots to tell you about, as always, and we did some VERY New Zealand things this last week and I got some great photos but I will share all that with you later this week (promise).  We went to Sheepworld, made it through a tsunami warning, had a really nice time with friends over from the states and I missed Thee Oh Sees concert at the Whammy Bar and was totally and completely disappointed! The boys and I were REALLY sick last week and I thought we were well enough to get out of the house this weekend but silly mommy never seems to learn that we really needed a bit more rest so everyone is currently back in bed!!

Therefore, I just wanted to take a minute to put this out there.  JJ may decide on Friday that he doesn't want to know the gender of the baby.  If he does I will not be making it total public knowledge.  I will not be posting it to Facebook and he reads this blog (occasionally) so I won't be talking about it on here either...

So, I thought either way I would do something a little fun.  If you would like to take a guess at the gender of the baby I will send a post card to the first fifty people that are right.  I don't know that fifty people will actually guess but that would cost me a little more than $100 NZ and that's the limit I am putting on my post card spend!  Here's the one rule...

1.  You have to leave your comment on this blog which means you have to become a bona fide follower.  You cannot make your guess on Facebook.  That's it.

Your guess is probably better than mine as I have been wrong EVERY.SINGLE.TIME!

Best of luck!



  1. I will take either one, but I am guessing a boy. Just following your pattern.

  2. I sincerely hope it is a thriving baby girl! :-) Naturally, the healthy part is the most important.

  3. Your life tends to be full of happy surprises, so I'll say girl. If I don't get a postcard, can I use deductive reasoning to assume I was wrong? ;)

  4. I vote a darling girl. Why? Because she was conceived "down under". The Coriolis effect will have ensbled the "x" sperm to swim faster in NZ than the US! hehe
