
Is four a set?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lewis Stare

If we are FB friends you already know our current drama, illness, followed by illness followed by illness followed by an attempted break-in...dra-ma-tic! Seriously could have been traumatic so I'm thankful for just a little drama. Since this is all pretty much public record, I'm not going to rehash except to say that we love our family and friends for being there and supporting us and are so thankful to be as blessed as we are. We are all (almost) healthy and back to normal!

The house is clean, the laundry is done, the cupboards are stocked, meals are planned, calendar complete the check lists are (almost) finished. I'm always interested in how others manage all this, all the time, I struggle. Here's what our re-introduction to real life tomorrow looks like...

  • Run 5k (hope my lungs are healthy enough as the rest of me needs this).
  • Take JJ to work
  • PlayCentre
  • Work
  • Housewife stuff (the big goal tomorrow is to catch up on ironing - yuck!)
  • Mommy stuff (tomorrow we are starting to learn about the food pyramid or whatever it's called now. See mommy needs a refresher too).
  • If there is time, I'd like to add some succulents to my garden, we'll see.

My biggest accomplishment has been on Saturday when I managed to take all three AJs to Briscoes and Pak 'n Save without falling over to die. The boys had never been to either store . They were amazing in Briscoes (fooling me into thinking that Pak 'n Save would work too).

We look like a circus act when the four of are out together and Kiwi's are not afraid to stare. AJ1 walks, AJ2 in a cart or stroller, AJ3 in the pack on my back...that's how we roll.

AJ2 spotted potato crisps right off in the grocery and cried screamed the remaining two hours. I AM one of those mammas who decides (every time) to ignore it and persevere. If I were to take him out to the car it's not like I'm going to spank him so what does he learn? He learns that a fit wins, soooo here we are with the screaming kid in the cart...AJ1 decides to practice his physical, slapstick comedy routine and throws himself on the ground every aisle (more than once in some) -- people stop to ask if he needs help continuously and look at the bad mom who is getting annoyed at the poor little boy (awe!). Well, AJ3 could not be left out of the antics so he rotates between trying to grab one of everything I get close to and his gymnastic backbend.

By the time we made it to the wine aisle, I had fixed the 'Lewis Stare' to my face (Lewis is my mamma's maiden name, kind of, after generations ago being changed for security purposes but that's another post, and all the women know how to knock you down with this look, even little three year old E. It's in our genes). I was clearly saying with my face, "yes, I am taking these three into the wine aisle where they may break it all, but seriously, have you ever seen anyone in history that needs a glass of wine like I do, right, this, moment? Do you have a to-go cup?". While maybe throwing in some obscene words here and there too.

Two hours, 12 litres of milk, three bags of potato crisps, four bottles of wine, $385 and my nerves (let alone developing some new wrinkles and grey hair -- take that 22 year old girls, I'm earning my stripes) later, we had restocked our cupboards for at least four days (at which point we will be completely out of milk and almost everything else, I bet!).

You'd think I'd learned my lesson but instead I simply recruited JJ in today's antics in which the boys got much needed hair cuts -- thank God it will grow again!

Life with kids is grand ;)

AJ3 didn't get a haircut but I couldn't leave him out :)



  1. Amy you are so funny! The grocery store is my least favorite place on earth with kids! I pack as many kids in the cart...ready - set - go...I'm out in less than 30 minutes. I don't even look at brands anymore, I just grab and go so I can get the heck out of there!

  2. PS...we bought a car! It will even be delivered to the airport on arrival. Now to find a furnished place and childcare!

  3. First time visitor and that picture at the top just took my breath away! Sweetest thing ever.

    Okay, now I'll go read.
