
Is four a set?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Think, Think, Think!!

I had these visions of living in New Zealand the way I spent my time in Manhattan a few years ago...with a bucket list that would be filled with DAILY low-no cost things to explore and enjoy.  It is still my hope that New Zealand will turn out to be just that but in the meantime I have had to "settle in" here in a way that I never had to do for the summer in NYC.

So many of our days are filled with the mundane that I have shared a little of with you. I think having children definitely adds to this as well.  Scheduling my life here has proven to be much more difficult than I expected and I am still working on that aspect.  It seems that things take longer and the days move faster.  When I really sat and thought about this the other day I realized that it's because I am having to take time and analyze everything that goes on.

When I say this I mean I have to think more about the groceries that I buy (volume and weight conversions).  I have to think more about calling my friends and family at home (time conversion).  When I count the money in my purse I have to really look at the coins.  I don't have a proper desk yet so each time I sit down to work I have to get everything out and put everything away...Everything just seems to take more time.

Of course, as usual, I am putting a little pressure on myself to get past this entry period and get to the living of life that I am so fond of sharing with my children.  I have to keep reminding myself that although we are in a country that speaks English and is much like the United States in so many ways, I am still living in a foreign country and that it will take time to adjust to this.  We will get there and when we do I will share our antics with you.  In the meantime, thank you for hanging in there and reading about my wordy day to day happenings!

Just one (three) of the grocery mistakes I have made since we got here.  I probably won't have to purchase flour again in New Zealand -- EVER!!!


  1. Hang in there. It does get easier, or at least more manageable.

    1. Love it! More manageable!! I have started constructing that bucket list today (step one) and I hope that next week I can just attack (a little slowly at first)!

  2. At least you have the excuse of a foriegn country slowing your settling down! I am having a hard time getting past the settled and so ready to get to the fun part!!! And, thanks for doing the time conversion, it was great seeing you the other night/morning!
