
Is four a set?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Things I Think I Will Miss (or Miss Already)

My friend and fellow expat over at Midwestern Berliners is on the countdown to heading back stateside (in fact almost all of my expat friends have made similar plans recently - uggh).  As part of this countdown, the most recent post was entitled Things We Miss.  I COMPLETELY enjoyed this.  Personally, I liked number three the best!

When I read this I began thinking about the things that I already know that I will come to miss.  I would like to document this list for now and see how it changes when it is our time to return to the states.  Here goes:

1.  Pampers.  I am not a cloth diaper mamma.  I wish I were but the truth be told between JJ's schedule, three babies in thirty-four months and working from home, I like the convenience of disposable diapers.  In fact, I love the way a new box of Pampers' Baby Dry smell when I open them up.  It speaks to all the new baby snuggles I love having with my AJs.  Personally, I think that Pampers should send me a years supply of size four Baby Dry for two babies and I will promote them to death here.  It's time for Pamper's to break into the New Zealand market (Huggies suck and I am so sick of changing wet sheets!).

2.  Unlimited data.  I work from home so I have to have internet access.  In New Zealand you only have an allotted amount each month.  You can double it if you find you are running close but it's still not unlimited.  If you use your portion and the doubled amount you end up with something reminiscent to dial-up from 1998.  We haven't had to double ours yet so it looks like we will be just fine BUT I still obsess.  Cell phone access is expensive and I miss my AT&T unlimited package (which unfortunately will not be waiting on me back in the states, it is no more).

As a side note, when we left the states I tried to talk AT&T into placing our contract on hold (I was month to month and could cancel at any time).  I offered to pay a premium (they actually have this program but will not let you use it for more than six months total).  They refused.  I could wax poetic as to why this was a bad business decision for them (and I did to the customer retention guy) but instead let's just say that I feel the opposite about AT&T that I do about Pampers Baby Dry.  Thank the Lord that the iPhone can be used with other carriers as this family will never use AT&T products again (even if they build that dang tower in Scottsville ;).

3.  Having access to online television.  We can't watch Hulu, Netflix or any online US networks.  I wasn't expecting this and have had moments of frustration surrounding it.  Although, if I could, it might eat up my broadband allotment and then I would have to obsess further!

4.  I almost didn't add this because there are so many family members and friends that I miss but hopefully they all know who they are, they are working on getting on Skype (or already are) and know that I would LOVE to have them here.  That being said, in the last week I have had serious pangs for three people.

Cari Kramer the babysitter.  I am fortunate enough to call Cari my friend as well but she is AMAZING with my children.  Like, literally amazing.  My kids LOVE some Ms. Cari time (and so does mamma).

I love both of these ladies equally.  My gal Courtney at Salon Cielo in C-ville and Missy Flick in my hometown of Muncie, IN.  I've only known Courtney for the three years that I was in Charlottesville but every time I walk into Missy's salon it's like a family reunion -- literally!  The last time I was there I saw Missy and two of my cousins.  In addition, I saw three other family members on her calendar for the same week!  I hate to have someone else mess with my hair!!

Only time will tell what I will add to this list.  I am doubting that Pampers takes me up on my offer so maybe I will just start potty training AJ3 at 11 months (soooo, not my parenting style).

I feel like AJ1 and AJ2 are camera hogs so here is AJ3 for a change.


  1. Check out Hotspot Shield - we use it whenever we want to watch US shows online (it's free but yes, it does eat up your data allowance!). When I do use disposables, I've used the Little Genie Bio brand at Countdown. They haven't leaked once, even when I've had to have him in them overnight, but then again we don't use them too often.

    1. I am totally excited about Hotspot Shield! I am a total fan of the TV show Parenthood and it will be starting up again soon. Also, I have a feeling that when I am alone there are going to be times that I will want to watch something (anything!) on TV. I am totally going to check out the diapers too! Thanks!

  2. You might try a store brand if they have such a thing there. I absolutely swear by Target brand diapers and like them far better than the "name" brands. Maybe you'll find the same to be true in NZ??

    1. I am willing to give anything a try. I had several friends in Charlottesville who were testers for the Target brand of diapers and once they started using them they were in love! Thanks Ferreh!!
