
Is four a set?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

I Almost Didn't Blog About This...

So, I almost kept this to myself but let's face it, I'm not too good at keeping things to myself so here goes...

We had the nuchal scan performed on Friday.  We don't normally have nuchal testing done and although I broke down and agreed to this one I still refused the blood test.  Therefore, everything I tell you will soley be based on my one little ultra sound.

I have said before that I think that this is our last baby but here's the thing, I then see the baby, and later I can touch and hold the baby (and I am no longer pregnant) and all I can think is, I WANT MORE!!  It's almost like a baby addiction!!  Well, I got to see AJ4 at this scan (obviously!) and 4 was so stinking sweet.

We had to wake 4 up to get some cooperation and it was so wonderful to see the baby with the little arms and legs all crossed up and the big ole head tucked down - I think the fetal position is so, adorbs!!

We received ALL good news on Friday which was great since AS SOON AS I GOT ON THE TABLE I WAS REGRETTING THE FACT THAT I HAD AGREED TO THIS!  I just don't care if the baby has a risk for anything (and JJ doesn't either), this is our BABY, we are going to keep 4 and love 4 no matter what, for as long as we can, but here I was and I felt like it was too late to turn back.  I said a quick prayer, took a deep breath and balled like a baby as soon as my littlest one came up on the screen!

First things first, the placenta is safely behind the baby this time.  AJ3's placenta was under him causing all kinds of thoughts about placenta previa, so happy AJ4 has been positioned so well.  In addition, it explains why I have been feeling 4 move quite a bit since early week 10!

Next, AJ4 has ten fingers, ten toes, a nasal bone, kidneys are working, heart looks good and is swallowing.  So far, the brain looks good.  Good news.

When we walked in to the appointment, based soley on my age, our risk of the top three chromosonal abnormalities were 3 times what they were when we walked out!  This was so reassuring!!

I also understand that the 1:724 still represents the 1 and that is all it takes.  I am okay with that (really, what choice do I have).  I have been granted a blessing to carry this baby each day.

So, here is the real part that I felt so funny about, the video.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to show y'all my innards.  I mean you get to see my ovary and my cervix.  These are normally things that I keep between me, the OB and the five trillion other people in the room when you have a baby!

A side note, I will never in my entire life forget the dude that was on the NICU team that knocked the paper towel dispenser off the wall while AJ2 was being delivered.  If I had the opportunity, even two + years later, I would punch him in the nose.  He thought himself hysterical right when my baby was born without breathe.  It all turned out okay in the end but seriously poor bedside manner dude!  Okay, enough of my pregnant rage -- Sorry!

Now, if you happen to be associated with radiology in anyway and would like to tell me if you can tell if 4 is a male or female -- PLEASE DO!  I don't do surprises (and we will try to look again in 6-8 weeks) and I am dying to know!  Yes, I know it is early but seriously, if you know or think you know, let me in on it!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Jenny!! I hope you are doing well!! Keep warm and dry today but it looks like 25 for a high this weekend -- wow!!

  2. Oh this is magic. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you so very much Marianne! I so enjoy reading your blog!! Stay warm! I miss your city soooo much some days!!
