Next week while we are traveling my sweet little miracle baby, AJ2, will be two years old. When my water broke at 3:00 am with AJ2, JJ convinced me that it hadn't happened (why, oh why I listened, I'll never know). I proceeded to wait until 3:30pm to head over to Labor & Delivery. It was the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend and JJ was on shift at the hospital.
The hospital was a ghost town. I came in, got the epidural, had two veins blown out in an attempt to get an IV started and waited for Jesse's shift to be over while the pitocin did it's business. Jesse showed up after his shift (7 pm). Everything seemed fine.
Fast forward several hours. The epidural stopped working. I knew something was wrong. I was frantic that the nurse come into the room immediately...
The baby was crowning! Anesthesiology was at capacity and couldn't come back! What should we do about the pitocin drip (not the nurses best moment)!?!
The next thing I remember was seeing about thirty people in my delivery room. The NICU team had arrived for my healthy, full term baby and the C-section threats had begun. Thankfully, the resident was wise enough to know that the situation shouldn't be handled alone, even on a holiday weekend. She was young in her residency and I am so very thankful for that now, by the grace of God, our attending physician was a maternal fetal medicine specialist. He informed me of the situation (finally) and told me he needed my attention - done!
The umbilical cord that was wrapped around AJ2s neck twice was quickly cut and removed and he was born into this world without another hitch. He began breathing quickly enough that his second APGAR was an 8. Everyone was so relieved that they forgot and left us in the delivery room until morning (true story)!
Two years later, my sweet, smart, ornery little boy is exploding with words. He has learned to skip, to hop and to jump. He has catch phrases that he uses to exhaustion but doesn't seem to exhaust the cuteness! He is AJ1's bestest friend in the whole wide world and one of the four lights of his mamma's life.

Happy birthday sweet, sweet boy!!
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