I like to watch two shows on television. It used to be three but I really only liked to watch Jeopardy! because JJ liked it, and once residency began there was no way we could continue our nightly tradition so it has been placed on what I hope is a long sabbatical. Now I enjoy Parenthood and CBS Sunday Morning. I tell myself I'm not getting old but there is some pretty good evidence I am lying to myself.
Parenthood comes on at 10PM. It is rare that my kids are all asleep at 10PM (bad, bad mamma!). I usually watch Parenthood on the internet and I am very grateful for the opportunity for a little me time whenever I can fit it in. I loved to watch Thirty Something as a kid so I tell myself I would like Parenthood even if it didn't fully line up with my current season of life, but again, probably a lie.
CBS Sunday Morning I only appreciate on Sunday morning. In my twenties I would watch it from bed with the first "God, save me cup of coffee" often after a night of shenanigans. When AJ1 came I would still watch from bed but I wouldn't drink coffee, what if it spilled on the baby?!, and I would be tired from his overnight shenanigans, not mine! Now that we have three AJs bed isn't the best place to watch TV and kids so I moved to the couch and reinstated the cup of coffee (I like to think I'm not as cautious with things like coffee and kids because I am more adept at parenting but this too may be another lie, I may just need the coffee more now) and I am no longer tired from the night before, I now think tired may be a way of life (but very, very worth it).
Well, the couch is gone (as well as almost ALL of our furniture and other belongings) and I had to relax the coffee intake because the stress level is too high (I learned this when I had Lyme Disease and was pregnant with AJ3 -- no, it's not a heart attack Amy, it's too much stress and coffee!). Therefore, here I sit drinking a Diet Coke (a little caffeine I can handle) at a folding table borrowed from a friend on a lawn-chair.
Soon CBS Sunday Morning will not be an option on Sunday mornings (okay, I realize that I may be able to watch it on the internet but it's just not the same) and I have to tell you that in this moment I cannot wait! I have spent a lot of time on this blog working out my demons with the move to Auckland but I must say I am becoming very, very excited to settle in to our new segment of life and share it all with you!
Goodbye old friend! |