So today is Friday here and moving weekend officially commences. It is also January which means that tax season is upon us and work heats up for me for the next several weeks (and then it seems like wedding season is upon us etc, etc -- I am so very thankful for this cycle!). We are also on break from PlayCentre which means we have the "extra" to do of cleaning up our centre, grant planning and projects begin...Such is life, a collection of projects and daily living.
I thought I wouldn't have a chance to write again before we move and truthfully, I really don't, but I wanted to take a minute and scratch out a few things that have been on my mind the last few days that I just needed to share. The first has to do with this blog...I do not proof this blog the way that I should. Each entry I make gets roughly 100-150 views and I realize that I am not always putting my best foot forward when I misspell or if my grammar is incorrect but truth be told, if I worried about it, I simply would not have time to write. I really don't have time as it stands but since it is something I want to do to share our amazing opportunities with my family and friends (and anyone else who is reading it in Russia). Therefore, just a quick apology to cover all the times I use the wrong to (serious pet peeve) or misspell the suburb I am moving to (just did this one in the last entry!). Usually, I realize I have done it after the fact and depending on how much time I have, how stupid I feel and what mood I am in, I might edit it.
When I became a parent I gave up on perfect. I mean, let's face it, I hadn't done anything perfectly until I had my boys. God made them perfectly and I did all I could to help so, there is my contribution to perfect! My blog, well, it's more me than perfect. This paragraph leads into my next two kind of, "perfectly" although everything that I say here is so, very, disjointed :)
It has come to my attention that several people in my circle of existence have been turning thirty (I run with a young crowd -- wink, wink!). There seems to be a lot of moaning and complaining that comes along with your 30's and I wanted to make a couple of statements about it. 1. Thirty started the best time of my life so far. I found out I was having a little boy (AJ1) on my thirtieth birthday -- seriously the best gift ever! 2. My thirties have been a sort of renaissance for me. I am finally old enough to know better and still too young to care. I worry plenty but not about insignificant things any more. Well, sometimes I do, but generally I have the wherewithal to stop, collaborate and listen...No, but really, there are few things that get to me the way they used to...Thirty in my eyes is beautiful and made even more so by my little family each and every day!
Finally, on God...So, the other day I was going to the New World (yes, I intentionally say this like an old lady going to "the Walmart" -- I think it's cute and it makes me feel wise beyond my years) and there was a man walking around in the parking lot. I don't know enough about NZ culture to know if there is a large homeless population but in the States I would have assumed him to be mentally ill and homeless. He was bundled all up and it's the middle of summer here etc, etc.
As I looked at him I was in my "I don't judge people kind of way" passing judgement. This is something I have struggled with for years, the ability to find that fine line between being aware and passing judgement. Well, my thoughts wondered back to a night a couple of years ago when there was a man at my door at dusk and I didn't answer. I peaked out the window and saw him standing there and thought, that looks like Jesus (you know, white, long, fine brown haired, Jesus, not the nappy haired, bronze Jesus the bible describes). Wouldn't it be horrible if I stood in the dark and didn't answer the door when Jesus knocked? If you are wondering why I didn't answer, please see my last posting. That night has haunted me since. As I thought this Alexander asked, "Mom, is that God?".
How do kids ALWAYS know what you are thinking?!? I did a double take and JUST before I said no I closed my mouth. What came out next was a surprise, even to me..."Well, Alex, that's a good question and in a way, yes, that is God.". Before I could finish he said, "Is that what God looks like?". Again, "Well, it's some of what God looks like...". I went on to explain that God is everywhere, in everything and that since God created us in his image, from his knowledge, that the entire world was part of God just as our artwork is kind of a part of us. Deep mamma moment!
I was a little more prepared for this mornings question about church...
I studied politics, Philosphy and communications in college. I thought I had learned all the wrong things for this most important job as mamma. I thought that maybe I would have been better served with a degree in early childhood development now that I kind of have my own nursery school at home, but then again, maybe not...

Is four a set?
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
Random Pearls from Parnell
This is probably the last time I will write to you from my lovely little perch in Parnell. Movers are scheduled for Monday morning and we are headed out to Kohimarama for the remaining time that we will be in Auckland. I am looking forward to it in some ways but not in others. I wanted to share a little that's been on my mind in the meantime although I have absolutely nothing of any importance to say, I am going to type away...
Once, what seems like a million years ago, I had a friend who we will call Raquets 4 Rachel of R4R for short who had a baby. I wasn't even married yet or even thinking about it if I recall so I was probably like 26! I went to her house one day and someone knocked on the door (once I was already inside). She didn't answer the door telling me that when she had become a mother she had stopped answering the door unless she was expecting someone...I will not lie, I thought this was over the top!
Fast forward almost a decade and guess what? I do not answer my door unless I am expecting someone! I totally agree with her, when someone calls you mama, life changes. Ed McMahon (did you know he died four years ago? I had NO idea) could be knocking on my door (although it would have to be his ghost with publisher's clearing house) and I would not answer. Better yet, it could be Oprah and I would be like, please make an appointment!
The people who bought our house have been here like a dozen times (not exaggerating) in the last FOUR months and they are about ready to drive me insane. There is always a door left open or a window left unlocked and today they left the gate to the unused backyard open (where I finally found AJ3 after a frantic search). I don't really like having strangers (and their subcontractors) around my kids. If for no other reason than this, I am ready to move.
Our new house is AWESOME!! Super excited to show you around!! We have a great view of Rangitoto, a little fenced in park down the street a walled off private courtyard and one whole side of the house is glass!
So, today I am saying goodbye to the new owners of the Brighton house but I am also saying goodbye to my second least favorite part of pregnancy -- the first trimester! Whoohoo! Goodbye sleepy, grumpy, sicky, icky, nasty first trimester!! Babies who make it through the first trimester of gestation have only a 3% risk of miscarriage (okay so that statistic could be totally inaccurate as I googled it and gave you the first answer I found -- I'm not even siting it). Tomorrow morning I am officially still not very pregnant (14 weeks) but I have been feeling ready for the energy, nesting, wonderfulness of trimester 2!
I even look forward to the dreaded last six weeks -- okay, maybe I don't -- but the last day of pregnancy at like 37 weeks sounds fantastically happy to me!! Some of my favorite people were born on June 19 (I'll be 37 weeks that day)!! I have NEVER carried a baby 40 weeks or 39 weeks or even 38 weeks so I am hoping for a healthy, 6 1/2 pound (Oh goodness, I will not know how much my baby weighs until after I convert it!!), 21 inch (again with the conversion!), 37 week kiwi in the middle of the night (I've never had a baby in the daylight hours!)!! Just watch, I will have an 3.62 Kg, 43 CM, noon time baby!!
One last thing and if you haven't left of your own volition, I will be done - AJ1 has been asking about birth. I'm just not ready to have that conversation with my four year old...This weekend he was asking in the car with JJ and I and I answered that the baby would be born at the hospital. AJ1 asked where the baby would come out, I said the hospital. It's a conversation we have had for weeks and weeks and he knows I am avoiding him so JJ answers that I will push the baby out at the hospital. 1 becomes very serious and says incredulously that Mamma can't do that because then 4's head will explode! I think we traumatized him more than we would have with talk of vaginas!!
Once, what seems like a million years ago, I had a friend who we will call Raquets 4 Rachel of R4R for short who had a baby. I wasn't even married yet or even thinking about it if I recall so I was probably like 26! I went to her house one day and someone knocked on the door (once I was already inside). She didn't answer the door telling me that when she had become a mother she had stopped answering the door unless she was expecting someone...I will not lie, I thought this was over the top!
Fast forward almost a decade and guess what? I do not answer my door unless I am expecting someone! I totally agree with her, when someone calls you mama, life changes. Ed McMahon (did you know he died four years ago? I had NO idea) could be knocking on my door (although it would have to be his ghost with publisher's clearing house) and I would not answer. Better yet, it could be Oprah and I would be like, please make an appointment!
The people who bought our house have been here like a dozen times (not exaggerating) in the last FOUR months and they are about ready to drive me insane. There is always a door left open or a window left unlocked and today they left the gate to the unused backyard open (where I finally found AJ3 after a frantic search). I don't really like having strangers (and their subcontractors) around my kids. If for no other reason than this, I am ready to move.
Our new house is AWESOME!! Super excited to show you around!! We have a great view of Rangitoto, a little fenced in park down the street a walled off private courtyard and one whole side of the house is glass!
So, today I am saying goodbye to the new owners of the Brighton house but I am also saying goodbye to my second least favorite part of pregnancy -- the first trimester! Whoohoo! Goodbye sleepy, grumpy, sicky, icky, nasty first trimester!! Babies who make it through the first trimester of gestation have only a 3% risk of miscarriage (okay so that statistic could be totally inaccurate as I googled it and gave you the first answer I found -- I'm not even siting it). Tomorrow morning I am officially still not very pregnant (14 weeks) but I have been feeling ready for the energy, nesting, wonderfulness of trimester 2!
I even look forward to the dreaded last six weeks -- okay, maybe I don't -- but the last day of pregnancy at like 37 weeks sounds fantastically happy to me!! Some of my favorite people were born on June 19 (I'll be 37 weeks that day)!! I have NEVER carried a baby 40 weeks or 39 weeks or even 38 weeks so I am hoping for a healthy, 6 1/2 pound (Oh goodness, I will not know how much my baby weighs until after I convert it!!), 21 inch (again with the conversion!), 37 week kiwi in the middle of the night (I've never had a baby in the daylight hours!)!! Just watch, I will have an 3.62 Kg, 43 CM, noon time baby!!
One last thing and if you haven't left of your own volition, I will be done - AJ1 has been asking about birth. I'm just not ready to have that conversation with my four year old...This weekend he was asking in the car with JJ and I and I answered that the baby would be born at the hospital. AJ1 asked where the baby would come out, I said the hospital. It's a conversation we have had for weeks and weeks and he knows I am avoiding him so JJ answers that I will push the baby out at the hospital. 1 becomes very serious and says incredulously that Mamma can't do that because then 4's head will explode! I think we traumatized him more than we would have with talk of vaginas!!
new zealand,
United States
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Father Time, The Baby New Year and the Mother Load of Resolutions
I am a resolution girl. I currently have about 25, half thought out, resolutions written down. A few I can't start until after 4 shows up, about half way through the year. A few I shouldn't begin until we move later this month. A few yet that I just need time to consider.
Finally there are some that I news to start now...
1. I need to spend focused time with the boys.
AJ2 has been showing interest in the toilet. Okay, he's been taking his diaper off and going to the toilet. I need to set a timer for each hour and just take him!
AJ1 has zero motivation to learn ANYTHING! He is interested in candy and the apple remote. I think we need to start a reward system using candy money or screen time.
AJ3 just needs more of me. When 4 gets here his world is going to change. His current favourite quote is "I'm the baby!".
2. I need to learn how to trust. I'm bad at this. It's hard to form relationships when you are always questioning. I could analyse but this is boring enough...
3. Stay focused. I can be distractable in my personal life.
4. Settle in. Now that I know we will be here another year it's time to make some roots. Temporary roots but roots none the less.
After this next move I will have been in six houses since 2007. I need to make our house a home even if its only six months at a time. We don't have any photos on our walls or personal items out. This needs to change!
2013 will essentially be about JJ and the AJs, especially AJ4 buried like to throw some updates into this blog here and there so be ready. What are the other 21 on my list you ask...well, I may share some, I may drop some and I may keep some to myself, time will tell.
Before you go, I'd like to ask a couple of favours.
First, on average I get 100 hits on my blog per post but I only have 8 followers. I'd LOVE to know more about you, follow me so I know who you are (please)!
Finally, I'd really like to hear what you have planned for the new year. It doesn't have to be in the form of resolution but any plan you are making! Big plans, big moves, new dog? Share (please)!
I hope your new year stays shiny and bright each and every day of 2013!
Finally there are some that I news to start now...
1. I need to spend focused time with the boys.
AJ2 has been showing interest in the toilet. Okay, he's been taking his diaper off and going to the toilet. I need to set a timer for each hour and just take him!
AJ1 has zero motivation to learn ANYTHING! He is interested in candy and the apple remote. I think we need to start a reward system using candy money or screen time.
AJ3 just needs more of me. When 4 gets here his world is going to change. His current favourite quote is "I'm the baby!".
2. I need to learn how to trust. I'm bad at this. It's hard to form relationships when you are always questioning. I could analyse but this is boring enough...
3. Stay focused. I can be distractable in my personal life.
4. Settle in. Now that I know we will be here another year it's time to make some roots. Temporary roots but roots none the less.
After this next move I will have been in six houses since 2007. I need to make our house a home even if its only six months at a time. We don't have any photos on our walls or personal items out. This needs to change!
2013 will essentially be about JJ and the AJs, especially AJ4 buried like to throw some updates into this blog here and there so be ready. What are the other 21 on my list you ask...well, I may share some, I may drop some and I may keep some to myself, time will tell.
Before you go, I'd like to ask a couple of favours.
First, on average I get 100 hits on my blog per post but I only have 8 followers. I'd LOVE to know more about you, follow me so I know who you are (please)!
Finally, I'd really like to hear what you have planned for the new year. It doesn't have to be in the form of resolution but any plan you are making! Big plans, big moves, new dog? Share (please)!
I hope your new year stays shiny and bright each and every day of 2013!
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